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Frequently Asked Questions

What is regenerative farming/ranching?

Regenerative farming and ranching is stewarding the plants and animals in a way that continually improves the Earth towards optimal health. Regenerative practices work in conjunction with nature (rather than pillaging and poisoning). The caretakers are limited by the necessity to respect the nature of each tomato, cow, chicken, field, etc. to see its fullness and abundance-but we don’t see that as a bad thing. Rather, we feel that is exactly how God intended agriculture.

What are the different ways to shop?

There are a few! You can shop online and choose to collect your order at one of our pickup locations across Texas or at our farm store. You can also visit us at the farmers market at The Hangout in Waller, TX every second Saturday of the month.

Humanely raised vs. factory farming — what’s the difference?

Being raised humanely can mean many things to different people. For us, it means giving each being in our care the most honorable and stress free life and death possible. We provide quality forage, supplements, and spacing that are conducive to optimal physical and mental health. All of our animals are on pasture, in the sunshine and fresh air, year-round. 

This looks far different conventionally, where maximum density is of utmost importance. Animals often never see sunshine or breathe fresh air, pumped full of pharmaceuticals, and are sick and stressed every moment of their life to the point of death. 

We feel the implications for our conscience and health far justify raising animals for consumption as humanely as possible.

What is the importance of Chaffhaye?

When ruminant animals are fed grains, the taste, nutritional profile, and pH of their meat and milk are affected. Because of this, many ranchers are now opting to raise 100% grass-fed animals. Chaffhaye, a fermented Alfalfa product, is a wonderful supplement option for grass-fed operations.

Conventional Alfalfa (which is what most grass-fed farmers turn to for supplement) is an average of 16% protein, genetically modified/GMO, laden with synthetic sprays, and has its Phytic Acid in-tact which not only prevents the animal from properly absorbing the protein-but can also deplete other minerals within the animal.

Chaffhaye is a fermented Non-GMO, Herbicide-FREE and Pesticide-FREE Alfalfa supplement. Thanks to fermentation, there are a host of beneficial microbiota for the gut-health of your animal, the available protein content is increased to 20%, and the Phytic Acid is properly broken down.

This means you can feed significantly LESS Chaffhaye to get the same gains, all without the masses of synthetic poisons and nutritional deficits of conventional Alfalfa.

AND, we sell it here! Learn more and shop online.

How about the importance of New Country Organics feed?

In the absence of adequate or nutritious forage, most ranchers will feed conventional grain to all their livestock. Conventional grain is genetically modified (GMO) beyond anything selective breeding could accomplish, and that change usually includes the ability to withstand absurd amounts of herbicide, Glyphosate.

Most conscientious ranchers will feed Non-GMO grain, ensuring the grains are not genetically altered, and the Glyphosate levels are reduced *some*. If they’re particularly mindful, they’ll feed Organic grains, as Organic is always Non-GMO, but will additionally not be treated with synthetic sprays.

In a world of increasing sensitivities to corn and soy (and the animals/animal products that have consumed them) because of the absurd conventional practices listed above, Organic Corn-Free Soy-Free feeds have become the gold standard for grain options. New Country Organics is a wonderful supplier of many such products. The only grain we use at our ranch is of this kind.

We also sell it here! Learn more and shop online.

How can I contact you if I have questions or would like to schedule a farm tour?

Getting a hold of us is easy! Send us an email or call/text (832) 392-5474 to schedule a farm & ranch visit. We’d love to have you!

How do I leave a review?

It’s simple! Leave a review on our Facebook page.

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